Saturday, November 7, 2009

Yesterday's Update

Friday's Word Count: 1401
Total: 12, 518

Not a good day.  Didn't even make the 1667, but since I was ahead anyway, I haven't lost a lot.  I had a prior engagement last night, so didn't get as much done as I normally would.  I suppose I could have  said I couldn't make it, but this is a once a year thing with people I don't see any other time. 

Still I got some good backstory put in, and this weekend will start dealing with subplots and introducing more characters.  I do need to figure out where the murder actually happened, also, as the body was discovered in a different place (in the oven, actually).  I think I know how that's going to go, but the details are a bit fuzzy yet.

The weekend, especially today, is going to be tough going.  More sausage making, but it's gotta get done if we are going to give it as gifts.  Tomorrow should be a better day, and today, I think I will just keep the story open on the computer and try to get in as many words as I can between other stuff.

More later, I hope.

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