Monday, June 11, 2012

On the Chili Trail (and Other Travels)

Looking at the calendar, it appears we are not home on a weekend until July! I guess the suitcase will stay out for a while longer.

We got home yesterday from a the Southern CT cook off where we were Chief Judge and Scorekeeper. It was the first year for this one at Quassy amusement park. It's a small park but I'm sure the kids enjoyed it. We did manage to get 20 cooks, so it will be a Regional. Which means nothing to the non-chili folk out there, but it is a Good Thing. I wish the weather had been better. It was kind of chilly and on-and-off rainy most of the day, so I'm sure that kept some people away. The sponsoring charity, Abilities Without Boundaries, seems interested in doing it again next year. Anther Good Thing.

This coming weekend, we will be in Meriden, CT for the Chili and Chihuahuas cook off to benefit the Meriden Humane Society. We are running the judging area again for this one. I really hope the weather cooperates for us. Then we go for a weekend visit with friends in NY, and then the BaldMan starts his six week sabbatical. We are taking the first part of that and visiting his sister in NY, and then on to IL to spend some time with Jill, John, and Carter. We have some stuff to get done around the house for the balance of his time off. We're going to be busy!

Still having eating issues with the dog. He just doesn't seem to want to eat. Sometimes, if I sit with him and hand feed him, I can get him to eat. Some days, he's fine and eats ok. Other days, he just looks at it and walks away. Had him in to the vet and she doesn't find anything wrong. X-rays showed nothing in the way of tumors or such, just the arthritis we knew about. His blood work was really good. She said some of the numbers were in a range she'd expect to see in a much younger dog, and all were well within normal. I'm not sure what's going on. I haven't changed his diet for 8 or 9 months, since I put him on the raw foods. All the supplements have been the same since then, too. Unless he just has gotten it into his stubborn Lab head that he doesn't like one of the additives any more. Steph said while we were gone, she had trouble getting him to eat, and once she just gave him his bag of food, with nothing added and he ate that fine. So I guess I will try leaving stuff out, and if he eats, start adding one thing at a time, and see if that tells me anything. If anyone has any other ideas, I'm listening!

I am also babysitting Will today. Now that will make for an exhausting day, I am sure! I'm not used to chasing four year olds around all day anymore. But it will be fun, I am sure. He's a good kid, and it is always great to spend time with him. I'm sure Nikki (their dog) will love having someone around all day, too.

Then it will be on to laundry and the other clean up from the past weekend, and start getting it all together again for the next trip. Wheeee!

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